2120 St. Charles Place, LaPlace, Louisiana
- Type: Real Estate
- Suit #: 79027
- Defendant: CURTIS YOUNG, JR.
- Date Writ Issued: 02/29/2024
- Amount on Writ: $24,803.45
- Appraised? Yes - Appraised Value: $90,000.00
- Plaintiff Attorney: Joshua P. Mathews
- Attorney Phone Number: 504-837-9040
- Property Status: Cancelled
- Sale Date: 09/18/2024
- Sold Amount:
ONE CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, situated in the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana, in Section19, Township 11 South, Range 7 East of the PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION, which is a resubdivision of a portion of the New Era Subdivision and according to the plan of survey made by Hamilton Meyers and Associates, Inc., dated September 21, 1973 and revised January 3, 1974, which plan of survey was approved by a resolution of the St. John the Baptist Police Jury on November 26, 1975, and duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court, Parish of St. John the Baptist, under map folder 135, said lot is designated and measures as follows:
LOT NO. 33, SQUARE B, 2120 ST. CHARLES PLACE, commencing at a distance of 43.22 feet from a point at the intersection of State Street and St. Charles Place, thence measuring 60 feet along St. Charles Place to a point, thence measuring by a depth of 99.91 feet along Marvin Gardens side to a point, thence measuring 65.11 feet in the rear along the Boardwalk side and thence measuring by a depth of 98.17 feet along the State Street side to the point of origination. All in accordance with the survey of Don A. Garland, Civil Engineer, dated June 30, 1978.
Municipal address of the above described property is 2120 ST. CHARLES PLACE, LAPLACE, LA 70068.