Division Directory

Sheriff Mike Tregre (985) 652-9513

Administrative Assistant to Sheriff
Deputy Lindy Eshleman – (985) 359-8706

Administrative Civil Services

Oversees collection of Property Taxes, Bonds & Fines; Issues Occupational Licenses, Accounting / Payroll, Handles service of subpoenas, court order documents, seizures, and property sales. 985-652-9513

Percy Hebert Building, 1801 W. Airline Hwy., LaPlace LA

Chief Civil Deputy
Jeffrey Clement – (985) 359-8705

Cpl. Jay Nolan – (985) 359-8709

Office Manager
Valencia Green – (9850) 359-8724

Assistant Office Manager
Renata Morris – (985) 359-8710 

Property Tax Division 

View Online Property Tax Info

Renata Morris  – (985) 359-8710
Shiaa Thomas – (985) 359-8815 

Tickets Bonds & Fines
Katie James – (985) 359-8783

Traffic Fine Listing
(985) 359-8712

Seizures & Sales

Bernadette Daley(985) 359-8726


Lisa Tregre – (985) 359-8707


Administrative Security

Percy Hebert Building

Capt. Jason Weber – (985) 359-8704


Edgard Office 

1-877-497-8836 (Toll Free)

Ingrid Schnyder – (985) 359-8647

Occupational Business Licenses

(985) 359-8706  for info

St. John the Baptist Parish Tax Office
1704 Chantilly Dr.
LaPlace, LA  70068

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 2066,  LaPlace, LA  70069
Phone: (985) 359-6600
Fax: (985) 359-6602

Tom Hook:  thook@lalocaltax.com
Becky Wahden: bwahden@lalocaltax.com

West Bank Public Safety Complex 


Captain Michael Johnson

5739 LA 18, Vacherie

985-652-9513 Ext 9001

Criminal Investigations Division - (985) 359-8769

Percy Hebert Building, 1801 W. Airline Hwy., LaPlace LA

Investigates major offenses, and coordinates victims assistance

Major Larry LeBlanc – (985) 359-8771

Assistant Commander
Capt. Brandon Barlow – (985) 359-8777

Administrative Assistant
 Deputy Maria Dantin – (985) 359-8769


Lt. Joe Rosa (985) 359-8863
Lt. Michael Shard (985) 359-8764
Lt. Carolina Pineda (985) 359-8722
Lt. Douglas Buckler (985) 359-8951
Sgt. Gilberto Castellanos (985) 359-8773
Sgt. Byron Smith (985) 359-8763
Sgt. Demond Memminger (985) 359-8953
Sgt. Keniel Henry (985) 359-8701
Sgt. Dennis James (985) 359-8809
Sgt. Michael D’Amato (985) 359-8808
Deputy Myaka Lane (985) 359-8776

Juvenile Division
Sgt. Caroline Chevez (985) 359-8717
Sgt. Brittany Williams (985) 359-8769
Deputy Javonna Cordova (985) 359-8765



Human Resources Division - (985) 359-8723

Percy Hebert Building, 1801 W. Airline Hwy., LaPlace LA

Focuses on the recruitment of deputies and handles issues relating to personnel, compensation, employee benefits, insurance and retirement, and American Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator.

Click Logo for ADA Compliance Procedures

Download Employment Application

Sgt. Steven Faucheux – (985) 359-8723

Assistant Commander

Deputy Ashley Clement – (985) 359-8725

Deputy Shantell McKnight – Assistant – (985) 359-8749
Deputy Vada Lennix – (985) 359-8713


Records Division - (985) 359-8873

Coordinates data processing, storage of all crash reports, accident, incident and arrest reports, and maintains this website.

Percy Hebert Building, 1801 W. Airline Hwy., LaPlace 

Fax 985-652-7916



Captain Samuel Trahan – (985) 359-8796

Incident Reports & Warrants

Sgt. Kristin Chenier – Records Supervisor – (985) 359-8730
Cpl. Jessica Abbate – (985) 359-8921
Deputy Kristin Vicknair – (985) 359-8746

Deputy Dana Rousseve – (985) 359-8729

Captain Allen Weber – Brady Compliance – (985) 359-8727
Captain Monty Adams – Brady Compliance- (985) 359-8789

LIBRS / UCR / Expungments – (985) 359-8730

Narcotics Division - (985) 359-8786

Coordinates all phases of drug enforcement investigations, and Vice Intelligence.

DRUG Hotline –  (985) 652-DRUG

Lt. Brian Schum

LaPlace, LA
Fax – (985) 651-9174


Technology Division

Coordinates and Supervises the Technology and Records Divisions

Captain Sam Trahan – Ext.– (985) 359-8796

IT Division

Lt. Jason Triche – (985) 359-8810
Sgt. Brett Guillory – (985) 359-8805
Deputy Ryan Wilson – (985) 359-8807

Crime Cameras/Radio Communications Specialist
Captain Conrad Baker  –  (985) 359-8755

Uniform Patrol Division

Responds to Citizen Complaints

122 Deputy Barton Granier Dr., LaPlace

Colonel Tanner Mangano  – (985) 359-8747

Assistant Commander
Captain Greg Baker – (985) 359-8716
Captain Lisa Dorris – (985) 359-8767

Patrol Shift Supervisors
Shift 100  – Lt. Daniel Materne
Shift 200  – Lt. Christopher Toups
Shift 300 Lt. Scott Lacy 
Shift 400  – Lt. Brian McGregor 

Communications Division

Coordinates and Supervises the 9-1-1 Dispatch System Non-emergency – 985-652-6338


Captain Marshall Carmouche – (985) 359-8754

Assistant Commander

Sgt. Ida Matthews-White – (985) 359-8677

Corrections Division - (985) 359-8627

Coordinates the continuous daily operation of all aspects of the Correctional Facility; handles custody, transport, feeding, care, medical needs, and education of inmates.

100 Deputy Barton Granier Drive, LaPlace
Fax: (985) 653-7418

Lt. Kaiana Knight (985) 359-8636

Assistant Warden
Sgt. Johnathan Griffin – (985) 359-8675

Director of Security
Sgt. Mark Jones (985) 359-8638 

Offender Registry  – Email
Lt. Gloria Tassin(985) 359-8816

Administrative – (985) 359-8727
Food Services – (985) 359-8728
Medical Services – (985) 359-8635
Visitations / Programs – (985) 359-8638
Booking Desk – (985) 359-8622 24h

Community Relations

Directs Crime and Drug Prevention Programs,  Speaker Bureau.


Lt. Chris Crawford – 985-359-8752

Deputy Ingrid Perrilloux (985) 359-8632

Deputy Michael Coburn –  (985) 359-8804

Public Information Officer

Deputy Littice Bacon-Blood – (985) 359-8739


Crime Scene Division (985) 359-8740

122  Deputy Barton Granier Drive, LaPlace

Lt. Jenni Estraca – (985) 359-8741

Assistant Commander
Lt. Staty Lewis – (985) 359-8734

Administrative Assistant
Deputy Gwendy Robinson – (985) 359-8740

Sgt. Michael Schaeffer – (985) 359-8738
Sgt. Grant Pierre – (985) 359-8797
Sgt. Tiffany Richard – (985) 359-8736
Cpl. Megan Campo

Evidence Purging
(985) 359-8797

Video Evidence Recovery
Sgt. Arthur Ponder – (985) 359-8735
Email video to csivideo@stjohnsheriff.org

AFIX System  (985) 359-8741


Call to schedule an off-duty officer for security or traffic control for special events or industrial turn-arounds, etc.  

Detail Coordinator 

Lt. Christie Chauvin (985) 359-8778


Public Integrity Division (985) 359-8770

Internal Affairs Division investigates citizen complaints in reference to Sheriff’s Office employees.

Captain C.J. Remondet  (985) 359-8770

Lt. Christie Chauvin – Assistant  (985) 359-8778



Coordinates the Tactical Unit

Captain Jake Boudreaux  – (985) 359-8703


Search & Rescue Division

Coordinates search and rescue efforts

Captain  Jake Boudreaux
(985) 359-8703


Traffic / Crash Investigation

Investigates all traffic accidents and enforces specific traffic laws.

100 Deputy Barton Granier Dr.
LaPlace, LA
Phone: 985-652-9513 Ext 8795


Captain Jared Seruntine (985) 359-8795

For information on traffic tickets or fines call: 985-359-8712  OR  985-652-9513 OR   CLICK HERE


Training Division

Coordinates and organizes all department training; Liaison for Reserve Officers Auxiliary and Special Projects

Lloyd B. Johnson Law Enforcement Training Center
947 Cambridge Drive
LaPlace, LA

985- 359-8685

Captain Chip Wale (985) 359-8960

Assistant Commander/Range Master
Captain Blane Rome Jr. (985) 359-8961

Hunter Safety  (985) 359-8685

Warrants and Process Server Division - (985) 359-8799



Lt. Michael Pugh
(985) 359-8799