Sheriff Wayne L. Jones announced that Erin Duhe of St. John the Baptist Parish has been named the recipient of the 2009 academic scholarship from the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Scholarship Program. Erin, a 2009 graduate of Riverside Academy, plans to attend Southeastern Louisiana University to pursue Nursing as her field of study. She is the daughter of Faron and Donna Duhe of Garyville, LA
Made possible by the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Honorary Membership Program (LSHMP), Louisiana Sheriffs provide scholarships to graduating high school students from each parish where the Sheriff is an affiliate of the Program. The only limitations are that applicants be permanent residents of Louisiana; scholarships be utilized in higher education within the State; and students be enrolled as full-time, undergraduate students. Scholarships will be awarded in fifty-eight parishes throughout the State.
“Megan Vollenweider of St. Charles Catholic High School and Lakia Brown of West St John High School were named as alternates so that in the event the recipient is unable to take advantage of the scholarship award, the alternate (first and/or second) can do so,” according to the Sheriff.
Concludes Sheriff Jones, “Academic awards by the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Scholarship Program to Louisiana students best demonstrate what the LSHMP is all about. This is one of our proudest accomplishments. Simply, it is a means of investing in Louisiana’s future. And this would not be possible without the generosity of our Honorary Members.”