The top cop position at the St. John Sheriff’s Office was taken over yesterday when Sheriff Mike Tregre relinquished his rank to new sheriff – St. Joan of Arc sixth grader Nadia Dunn.

Nadia took over the job from Sheriff Tregre when he welcomed her as Sheriff for a Day May 16, 2024. Nadia won this title for being the top bidder of Sheriff for a Day in the St. Joan of Arc Catholic School

spring fair’s auction.

Sheriff Tregre reported to St. Joan of Arc Catholic School first thing in the morning to deputize Nadia before an audience of her classmates. Cpl. Darlene Cooper provided security throughout the day for Sheriff Dunn as they traveled in a police unit to various divisions for morning reports.

Nadia, who enjoys drawing, spent time with Sheriff Tregre in his personal office where she signed a document approving a new art program for officers as part of the SJSO’s health and wellness program.

Sheriff Dunn enjoyed touring the Lloyd B. Johnson Law Enforcement Training Center including the virtual reality room, the gym, and shooting ranges. She also toured the 911 Communications Center, the Criminal Investigations Division, Human Resources and Patrol Headquarters; and she learned about fingerprinting and collecting evidence during a visit to the Crime Scene Division.

Touring the SWAT training complex, checking out the Mobile Command Unit and Search and Rescue boats, meeting K9 Rico, operating a drone, and participating in a virtual reality taser program were among the highlights of the day, she