The following were arrested in connection with the shooting of
Deputy Michael Scott Boyington

Derrick D. Smith – Age: 22
Charged with Principal to Attempted 1st Degree
Murder of a Police Officer
Bond set at $750,000.00

Britney Keith   Age: 23
Charged with Accessory to Attempted 1st Degree
Murder of a Police Officer
Bond set at $350,000.00

Chanel Melissa Skains –  Age: 37
Charged with Accessory to Attempted 1st Degree
Murder of a Police Officer
Bond set at $350,000.00

Terry Lynn Smith – Age: 44

Charged with Principal to Attempted 1st Degree
Murder of a Police Officer
Bond set at $750,000.00

Teniecha Teniel Bright – Age: 21
Charged with Principal to Attempted 1st Degree
Murder of a Police Officer
Bond set at $750,000.00


Brian Lyn Smith – Age: 24
Charged with Attempted 1st Degree Murder
of a Police Officer
NO Bond Set

To be charged after release from hospital:

 Kyle David Joekel – Age: 28
Charged with Principal to Attempted 1st Degree
Murder of a Police Officer