1620 Cambridge Drive, LaPlace, Louisiana 70068

  • Type: Real Estate
  • Suit #: 78898
  • Defendant: NEIDRA T. MELANCON
  • Date Writ Issued: 12/15/2022
  • Amount on Writ: $158,282.53
  • Appraised? Yes - Appraised Value: $150,000.00
  • Plaintiff Attorney: Ashley E. Morris
  • Attorney Phone Number: 318-388-1440
  • Property Status: Sold
  • Sale Date: 01/24/2024
  • Sold Amount:

Plaintiff’s mortgage and/or privilege affects the following described property, to-wit:

THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, and all the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana, in that part thereof known as Cambridge Place Subdivision, being a resubdivision of a portion of sections 25,26,65, and 66, Township 11 South, Range 7 east, all in accordance with plan of survey thereof by JJ Krebs & Sons, Inc., dated January 10, 1978, approved by resolution of the St. John the Baptist Police Jury on the 13th day of April, 1978, registered in COB 124, folio 243, St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana and designated as follows:

Lot No. 6, Square 9, said square is bounded by Cambridge Drive, Medford Drive, Potomac, Drive and East line of subdivision. Said lot measures 65 feet front on Cambridge Drive, same width in the rear by a depth of 100 feet between equal and parallel lines, and commences 435.26 feet from the corner of Cambridge Drive and Potomac Drive; subject to restrictions, servitudes, rights-of-way and outstanding mineral rights of record affecting the property.