2317 Virginian Colony Avenue, LaPlace, Louisiana

  • Type: Real Estate
  • Suit #: 80865
  • Defendant: JOHNES ENGLISH, III
  • Date Writ Issued: 02/14/2024
  • Amount on Writ: $97,464.53
  • Appraised? No - Appraised Value:
  • Plaintiff Attorney: Candace A. Courteau
  • Attorney Phone Number: 318-388-1440
  • Property Status: For Sale
  • Sale Date: 02/26/2025
  • Sold Amount:

Plaintiff’s mortgage and/or privilege affects the following described property, to-wit:

ONE CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon and all the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana, in that part thereof known as THE COLONY SUBDIVISION, formerly known as Cambridge Parc Subdivision, in accordance with the plan of resubdivision of J.J. Krebs and Sons, Inc., John F. Marshall, R.L.S., consisting of four sheets, dated July 18,1983, on file with the Clerk of Court of St. John the Baptist Parish as Map file no. 192 and 194, and further in accordance with the plan of resubdivision made by J.J. Krebs and Sons, Inc., John F. Marshall, R.L.S., consisting of three sheets, dated June 26, 1991, approved by the St. John the Baptist Parish Council in ordinance no. 91-47, adopted on July 11, 1991, filed for record on January 29, 1992, under Entry No. 141881 in COB 290, Folio 207, and Map File No. 276, according to which the lot conveyed herein is designated as LOT 179, SQUARE F, said lot having the same size and dimension as shown on the subdivision plan and are more fully shown on survey by Landmark Surveying, Inc., dated August 5, 1998, said lot is more fully described as follows:
LOT 179, SQUARE F, measures 60.00 feet front on Virginian Colony Avenue, having a depth between equal and parallel lines of 100.00 feet, and a width across the rear of 60.00 feet; subject to restrictions, servitudes, rights-of-way and outstanding mineral rights of record affecting the property.