510 Frisco Drive, LaPlace, Louisiana

  • Type: Real Estate
  • Suit #: 81298
  • Date Writ Issued: 02/14/2024
  • Amount on Writ: $240,343.65
  • Appraised? No - Appraised Value:
  • Plaintiff Attorney: CRIS JACKSON
  • Attorney Phone Number: 504-581-9444
  • Property Status: On Hold
  • Sale Date: 04/24/2024
  • Sold Amount:

ONE CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana, in that subdivision thereof known as RIVERLAND HEIGHTS NO. 4 SUBDIVISION, and according to plan of J. J. Krebs & Sons, Inc., said lot of ground is designated and measures as follows:

LOT 513 of SQUARE 23, commences at a distance of 339.25 feet from the intersection of Greenwood Drive and West Frisco Drive and thence running along West Frisco Drive and Frisco Drive to an iron peg; thence measures 70 feet front along Frisco Drive; thence measures 114.34 feet in depth on the North boundary of the subdivision side; thence measures 42.34 feet across the rear along the Welham Loop side to an iron peg; thence measuring 27.98 feet along the rear of the subject property along the Welham Loop side to an iron peg, and thence measures 120.85 feet along the Ellerslie Avenue side to the point of commencement: All in accordance with print of J. J. Krebs & Sons, Inc., dated January 21, 1976, resurveyed on February 19, 1976 to show improvements.