35 Sandpiper Drive, LaPlace, Louisiana
- Type: Real Estate
- Suit #: 81477
- Date Writ Issued: 03/06/2024
- Amount on Writ: $174,858.71
- Appraised? No - Appraised Value:
- Plaintiff Attorney: Ashley E. Morris
- Attorney Phone Number: 318-388-1440
- Property Status: For Sale
- Sale Date: 09/25/2024
- Sold Amount:
Plaintiff’s mortgage and/or privilege affects the following described property, to-wit:
THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, located in Section 64, Township 11 South, Range 7 East, St. John the Baptist Parish, State of Louisiana, in Indigo Estates, The Glade Subdivision, in accordance with the plan of resubdivision by G.C.R. and Associates, Inc., dated March 7, 1989, said piece or portion of ground is designated as follows:
Lot 57, 35 Sandpiper Drive, La Place, commencing at the intersection of Sandpiper Drive and Osprey Court, thence measuring 31.42 feet in the curvature of the intersection of Sandpiper Drive and Osprey Court to a point, thence measuring 45.00 feet front on Sandpiper Drive to a point, thence measuring 100.65 feet along its Lot 56 side to a point thence measuring 65.00 feet in the rear to a point; thence measuring 80.00 feet along Osprey Court to the point of origination. All in accordance with the survey of G.C.R. and Associates, Inc., dated November 16, 1990; subject to restrictions, servitudes, rights-of-way and outstanding mineral rights of record affecting the property.