613 South Potomac Drive, Laplace, Louisiana
- Type: Real Estate
- Suit #: 82132
- Date Writ Issued: 07/24/2024
- Amount on Writ: $134,817.97
- Appraised? No - Appraised Value:
- Plaintiff Attorney: CRIS JACKSON
- Attorney Phone Number: 504-581-9444
- Property Status: For Sale
- Sale Date: 04/30/2025
- Sold Amount:
That certain piece or portion of ground, together with all of the; buildings and improvements thereon, and all of the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana, in that part thereof known as the Colony, designated as lot 140, Square D, fronts along South Potomac Drive having a first measurement of 29.19 feet along a radius of R= 110.00 feet, and having a further measurement along said South Potomac Drive a distance of 26.34 feet a radius R= 40.00, having a depth along its western sideline a distance of 103.11 feet; having a depth on its opposite sideline a distance of 117.24 feet, and having a width across the rear a distance of 90 feet. All as more fully shown on survey by J.J. Krebs & sons, dated June 26, 1991.