788 Emma Drive, Reserve, Louisiana

  • Type: Real Estate
  • Suit #: 81871
  • Plaintiff: GMFS LLC
  • Date Writ Issued: 05/15/2024
  • Amount on Writ: $251,635.14
  • Appraised? No - Appraised Value:
  • Plaintiff Attorney: Ashley E. Morris
  • Attorney Phone Number: 318-388-1440
  • Property Status: For Sale
  • Sale Date: 12/11/2024
  • Sold Amount:

Plaintiff’s mortgage and/or privilege affects the following described property, to-wit:

ONE CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana, being a portion of that property formerly designated as the Octavia Vicknair, Alexis Millet, N. & J. Duhe, and Trosclair Tracts, located in Sections 44, 45 and 48, Township 11 South, Range 6 East, resubdivided into Lots 1 through 43 of “SCARLET OAKS SUBDIVISION”, which is shown on final survey prepared by Riverlands Surveying Company, dated August 5, 2005, approved by Parish Ordinance, and duly recorded in the records of St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. And according thereto, said lot of ground is more fully described as follows:

LOT FORTY-THREE (43), has a width of 40.89 feet front on Emma Drive along an arc having a radius of 50 feet, by a depth along the sideline of Lot 1 of 186.73 feet, a depth along the sideline of Lot 42 of 162.71 feet and a width of 180.05 feet in the rear; subject to restrictions, servitudes, rights-of-way and outstanding mineral rights of record affecting the property.